Open League


Erstellungsdatum: 01.09.2024
Division / Gruppe: 1. Division

Runde 1 - 13.09.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Gentle 1 Steel
Bad Boys 26 Snakes
Bad Boys Mix AS Die Barhocker
DP Steel 1 Babylon Untouchables
Gentle 99 Steel D-C Darts-Control
Relax One Steel 1 Relax One The Expendables
Vienna Tigers Bad Boys 2

Runde 2 - 20.09.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker Bad Boys 2
Babylon Untouchables Vienna Tigers
Bad Boys Mix Bad Boys 26
D-C Darts-Control Relax One Steel 1
Gentle 1 Steel DP Steel 1
Relax One The Expendables AS Claymores
Snakes Gentle 99 Steel

Runde 3 - 27.09.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores D-C Darts-Control
Bad Boys 2 Babylon Untouchables
Bad Boys 26 AS Die Barhocker
DP Steel 1 Relax One The Expendables
Gentle 99 Steel Bad Boys Mix
Relax One Steel 1 Snakes
Vienna Tigers Gentle 1 Steel

Runde 4 - 04.10.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker Babylon Untouchables
Bad Boys 26 Gentle 99 Steel
Bad Boys Mix Relax One Steel 1
D-C Darts-Control DP Steel 1
Gentle 1 Steel Bad Boys 2
Relax One The Expendables Vienna Tigers
Snakes AS Claymores

Runde 5 - 11.10.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Bad Boys Mix
Babylon Untouchables Gentle 1 Steel
Bad Boys 2 Relax One The Expendables
DP Steel 1 Snakes
Gentle 99 Steel AS Die Barhocker
Relax One Steel 1 Bad Boys 26
Vienna Tigers D-C Darts-Control

Runde 6 - 18.10.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker Gentle 1 Steel
Bad Boys 26 AS Claymores
Bad Boys Mix DP Steel 1
D-C Darts-Control Bad Boys 2
Gentle 99 Steel Relax One Steel 1
Relax One The Expendables Babylon Untouchables
Snakes Vienna Tigers

Runde 7 - 25.10.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Gentle 99 Steel
Babylon Untouchables D-C Darts-Control
Bad Boys 2 Snakes
DP Steel 1 Bad Boys 26
Gentle 1 Steel Relax One The Expendables
Relax One Steel 1 AS Die Barhocker
Vienna Tigers Bad Boys Mix

Runde 8 - 08.11.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker Relax One The Expendables
Bad Boys 26 Vienna Tigers
Bad Boys Mix Bad Boys 2
D-C Darts-Control Gentle 1 Steel
Gentle 99 Steel DP Steel 1
Relax One Steel 1 AS Claymores
Snakes Babylon Untouchables

Runde 9 - 15.11.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores AS Die Barhocker
Babylon Untouchables Bad Boys Mix
Bad Boys 2 Bad Boys 26
DP Steel 1 Relax One Steel 1
Gentle 1 Steel Snakes
Relax One The Expendables D-C Darts-Control
Vienna Tigers Gentle 99 Steel

Runde 10 - 29.11.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores DP Steel 1
AS Die Barhocker D-C Darts-Control
Bad Boys 26 Babylon Untouchables
Bad Boys Mix Gentle 1 Steel
Gentle 99 Steel Bad Boys 2
Relax One Steel 1 Vienna Tigers
Snakes Relax One The Expendables

Runde 11 - 06.12.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
Babylon Untouchables Gentle 99 Steel
Bad Boys 2 Relax One Steel 1
D-C Darts-Control Snakes
DP Steel 1 AS Die Barhocker
Gentle 1 Steel Bad Boys 26
Relax One The Expendables Bad Boys Mix
Vienna Tigers AS Claymores

Runde 12 - 13.12.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Bad Boys 2
AS Die Barhocker Snakes
Bad Boys 26 Relax One The Expendables
Bad Boys Mix D-C Darts-Control
DP Steel 1 Vienna Tigers
Gentle 99 Steel Gentle 1 Steel
Relax One Steel 1 Babylon Untouchables

Runde 13 - 20.12.2022

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
Babylon Untouchables AS Claymores
Bad Boys 2 DP Steel 1
D-C Darts-Control Bad Boys 26
Gentle 1 Steel Relax One Steel 1
Relax One The Expendables Gentle 99 Steel
Snakes Bad Boys Mix
Vienna Tigers AS Die Barhocker

Runde 14 - 10.01.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker Bad Boys Mix
Babylon Untouchables DP Steel 1
Bad Boys 2 Vienna Tigers
D-C Darts-Control Gentle 99 Steel
Gentle 1 Steel AS Claymores
Relax One The Expendables Relax One Steel 1
Snakes Bad Boys 26

Runde 15 - 17.01.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Relax One The Expendables
Bad Boys 2 AS Die Barhocker
Bad Boys 26 Bad Boys Mix
DP Steel 1 Gentle 1 Steel
Gentle 99 Steel Snakes
Relax One Steel 1 D-C Darts-Control
Vienna Tigers Babylon Untouchables

Runde 16 - 24.01.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker Bad Boys 26
Babylon Untouchables Bad Boys 2
Bad Boys Mix Gentle 99 Steel
D-C Darts-Control AS Claymores
Gentle 1 Steel Vienna Tigers
Relax One The Expendables DP Steel 1
Snakes Relax One Steel 1

Runde 17 - 31.01.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Snakes
Babylon Untouchables AS Die Barhocker
Bad Boys 2 Gentle 1 Steel
DP Steel 1 D-C Darts-Control
Gentle 99 Steel Bad Boys 26
Relax One Steel 1 Bad Boys Mix
Vienna Tigers Relax One The Expendables

Runde 18 - 14.02.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker Gentle 99 Steel
Bad Boys 26 Relax One Steel 1
Bad Boys Mix AS Claymores
D-C Darts-Control Vienna Tigers
Gentle 1 Steel Babylon Untouchables
Relax One The Expendables Bad Boys 2
Snakes DP Steel 1

Runde 19 - 21.02.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Bad Boys 26
Babylon Untouchables Relax One The Expendables
Bad Boys 2 D-C Darts-Control
DP Steel 1 Bad Boys Mix
Gentle 1 Steel AS Die Barhocker
Relax One Steel 1 Gentle 99 Steel
Vienna Tigers Snakes

Runde 20 - 28.02.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker Relax One Steel 1
Bad Boys 26 DP Steel 1
Bad Boys Mix Vienna Tigers
D-C Darts-Control Babylon Untouchables
Gentle 99 Steel AS Claymores
Relax One The Expendables Gentle 1 Steel
Snakes Bad Boys 2

Runde 21 - 07.03.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Relax One Steel 1
Babylon Untouchables Snakes
Bad Boys 2 Bad Boys Mix
DP Steel 1 Gentle 99 Steel
Gentle 1 Steel D-C Darts-Control
Relax One The Expendables AS Die Barhocker
Vienna Tigers Bad Boys 26

Runde 22 - 14.03.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Die Barhocker AS Claymores
Bad Boys 26 Bad Boys 2
Bad Boys Mix Babylon Untouchables
D-C Darts-Control Relax One The Expendables
Gentle 99 Steel Vienna Tigers
Relax One Steel 1 DP Steel 1
Snakes Gentle 1 Steel

Runde 23 - 21.03.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
Babylon Untouchables Bad Boys 26
Bad Boys 2 Gentle 99 Steel
D-C Darts-Control AS Die Barhocker
DP Steel 1 AS Claymores
Gentle 1 Steel Bad Boys Mix
Relax One The Expendables Snakes
Vienna Tigers Relax One Steel 1

Runde 24 - 28.03.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Vienna Tigers
AS Die Barhocker DP Steel 1
Bad Boys 26 Gentle 1 Steel
Bad Boys Mix Relax One The Expendables
Gentle 99 Steel Babylon Untouchables
Relax One Steel 1 Bad Boys 2
Snakes D-C Darts-Control

Runde 25 - 11.04.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
Babylon Untouchables Relax One Steel 1
Bad Boys 2 AS Claymores
D-C Darts-Control Bad Boys Mix
Gentle 1 Steel Gentle 99 Steel
Relax One The Expendables Bad Boys 26
Snakes AS Die Barhocker
Vienna Tigers DP Steel 1

Runde 26 - 18.04.2023

Heimmannschaft Gastmannschaft
AS Claymores Babylon Untouchables
AS Die Barhocker Vienna Tigers
Bad Boys 26 D-C Darts-Control
Bad Boys Mix Snakes
DP Steel 1 Bad Boys 2
Gentle 99 Steel Relax One The Expendables
Relax One Steel 1 Gentle 1 Steel